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Why SEO Copywriting Matter More Than Ever

SEO Isn’t Black and White Anymore

Google’s Penguin and Panda; those black and white animals that changed the SEO landscape now dictate your need for well written copy. Between Panda, which downgraded many content farms and Penguin which effectively targeted low quality links that you could build yourself, Content has become King like never before.

SEO pundits long preached that writing content that was aimed at users and unique enough to attract its own links was the only wise way to go. Today, with so many useless links in so many spammy profiles, web masters finally understand that writing content is at the top of every SEO list. It must be well written, it must appeal to the user and it must be compelling enough to attract social shares and links. Natural links.

Article Marketing, Forum Posting and Blog Commenting is pretty much dead.

If you’re creating the link, it’s probably not worth much for SEO. Certainly there is great value in participating in communities that are relevant to your site. If you write blog comments or forum posts which add to the conversation and broaden readers’ understanding of the topic, they will naturally want to click through and learn more about you on your own site. But article marketing where you create thin content and spin it into smithereens to post on article zines that accept anything? Not only is it of questionable value; it can work against you. Google has gotten very smart about spammy links and doesn’t always just discount them. In sufficient quantities they can earn your site a penalty.

Time to Write Your Way out of the Paper Bag

So, in this post Panda/Penguin world, understanding SEO and writing copy well becomes more important than ever. Keyword research – made even tougher by Google’s withdrawal of the Adwords keyword tool – is more challenging than ever – and more important than ever. Understanding which on page elements really matter: more important than ever.

Believe it or not, there are self-styled “SEO copywriters” out there who will tell you they will write your content with the perfect keyword density (KWD). Most long time SEOs will tell you KWD was always a bone of contention, but most believed there was no magic percentage – today you don’t have to be very informed to know that you want to keep that keyword density pretty low. Nothing speaks “spam’ like a keyword stuffed page.

You don’t need any meta tags either … you do need a well-crafted title tag, and meta description. The title tag does have an influence on a page’s rank. The meta description doesn’t, but it does affect the click through rate, and that’s what we want: clicks from targeted users.

Quality Counts   – and that Goes for The Writing, as well

Guest posting services: It’s not just what you write about that matters – it must not only appeal to readers, it must be we’ll presented. The prose must flow effortlessly, and seamlessly, inviting the reader to read until you compel them to take action. Your grammar and word usage should be correct, and stylish. You want to paint a picture and invite your reader to pick up the brush and add his own color to your page – whether that means adding a comment to your blog post, or picking up the phone to call you.

If you think you’re ready to write some content but just need a little more instruction; DailySEOTips article, start link to ? Is SEO Copywriting Dead? end link offers some clear guidelines for the content writer.

Copywriting skills are not just important for your own site, either. The only way Google has left open for webmasters to build links is through writing guest posts on other websites. And if you hope to get your article posted on a quality blog, you better be sure it’s well written.