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Web Design Company: How To Choose The Best One

Choosing a web design company to face the development of the business website is a difficult decision. The “common of mortals” is not too clear about what he needs or what he wants, and he only knows that he wants a website to give visibility to his business. You can take a look at Xploited media to know the list of web design companies.

The search, generally, is oriented to the price-quality ratio, for which the portfolio of designed sites is looked at, two or three quotes are requested, compared, and a decision is reached. The web design company chosen will surely be the one with the lowest price, because the filter of those who make “beautiful designs” will have been resolved in the previous stage.

In this article, I propose a “Check List” of issues that you should consider when choosing among the user interface design agencies for your project, since giving visibility to your business is not just a matter of having a beautiful site at the best price. Your website is a key piece in your entire online marketing strategy, and it will be money thrown away if you don’t have this clear from the start.

Web design companies that think online marketing

First of all, you have to know that nobody will come to your website for the simple fact that it exists and is online. Or, in any case, you will have very few visits if you don’t do something else to “spread it”.

In essence, there are two ways to give visibility to your business website: 

Through paid advertising (Google Ads, Facebook, etc.) or through organic positioning (the way to make the pages of your site appear in the top positions in Google without investing in paid campaigns). 

This question, then, is aimed at knowing if you are going to hire a web design company that “simply” designs websites, or you are looking for a company that thinks of your website as a key piece in a broader online marketing strategy integral.

Really “optimized” websites for search engines

When you do your search for web design companies to face the project of your business site, you will surely find companies and designers that promise you that your website will appear in the first places on Google. 

One thing is to “optimize” the site so that it is correctly indexed by search engines  with the final intention that, eventually, it appears in the top positions in Google , and another thing is to promise something that, as web designers, is not in Our hands achieve.

Web design company and self-managing sites

  • The concept of a self-administered website has been gaining ground in recent years among web design companies as well as their clients, and the reasons remain. In this section, we will see some of that, and also note some mistakes and confusion that end up generating headaches and frustrations.
  • The growing complexity of online marketing, and how competitive the online presence has developed, make today a “static” site is destined to fail and go unnoticed. Achieving visibility requires strategies and actions through different channels, and coordination between them, with an integral vision.
  • Even when we think about paid advertising campaigns – such as Google Ads – doing well requires constantly reviewing the website and creating landing pages for specific campaigns.
  • Similarly, social media presence strategies require the permanent creation of new content, and to publish them in a coordinated way between the different channels, often with a focus on the website. Therefore, when facing the project of a new site, customers are looking for a web design company capable of delivering a self-administered site.
  • But beware! As I always note,”self-administered” is not synonymous with anyone becoming a web designer overnight. I am increasingly convinced that the term “self-administered” is unhappy, and does not adequately reflect what it represents.
  • A “self-administered” site is one in which its owner (the client who hired the web design company) can edit on its own certain “areas” of the site. In an e-commerce site, for example, it is expected that the owner can add, remove or modify products. On the website of a real estate agency, you can do the same with the properties. In more general terms, on a website with Blog, the owner may periodically publish his articles.
  • The mistake is to assume that you can do on your own, without having a web designer, everything that comes to mind. But “self-managing” does not mean that the site owner can create new pages, or add new blocks of content to the “static” pages of the site. For example, add a page that presents a new line of consulting services, or add a block to the Home Page to announce to customers that their General Manager was interviewed on one of the most important television channels in the country.
  • I am not kidding, I have designed websites that I do not include in my portfolio because, at the time of having designed them, when I visited them again, I have found that their owners completely ruined it by showing their intended “designer” skills.

What web design company do you need for your project?

I am tempted to continue adding more topics to this article, but I think that with these three I have already opened up the spectrum of the most important aspects that you should consider when facing the new website project for your company or business.
In short, that a web design company can be just that – a website designer -, or it can help you understand the challenges of online marketing and presence, and conceive a website that is the dynamic axis around which it revolves and on which the success of your business is based.


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