Tips for writing a good resume
Tips for writing a good resume

Tips for Writing a Good Resume

Invaluable knowledge: include your education. It is important to include in your resume not only your basic education, but also additional education: training, seminars and courses that you have taken, at the initiative of employers or on your own.

Don’t forget about online courses: the employer cares not so much about the format of your training as about the knowledge you acquired and the skills you developed as a result. It is important to include only the education that is relevant to a particular job, and if you are a regular at training events – choose a few of the most “weighty”.

In this case, the high school, which you graduated from a long, long time ago or even relatively recent, do not need to specify. An exception can be made only for a specialized school with a relevant focus for the desired position. But this is not necessarily: it is not important specialization of the institution, and the knowledge and skills that you possess. That’s what you should focus on.

Describe experience through results

Experience is described in reverse chronological order, starting with your last job.

When describing your experience on your resume, it’s important not just to list the periods (years and months), the names of companies and their business profiles, your positions and responsibilities – you need to note your results. These can be numerical indicators, implemented projects, ideas that you proposed and they were implemented.

When preparing for a job search, the lion’s share of candidates’ time is spent precisely articulating results, because “in the flow” of work, people don’t always think about the work they do in that way.

It’s important to answer the question “What did I do?” instead of “What did I do?” Show that you’re thinking in terms of results, not just performing a function. It is necessary to add specifics: noting the experience of managing large teams – specify the number of employees, the experience of presentations – for which audience they were held. This adds weight to the words. Such wording is easier to believe than just “solid experience.

It’s important to keep it truthful, though. If the information in the resume is inaccurate – the candidate embellished something or lied, it is a “red card”. Few companies are willing to work with candidates who have demonstrated a tendency to deceive already at the interview stage.

You can get the best resume services at Resumegets.


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