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NFT Trading Cards: A New Way To Own Collectibles

NFT Trading Cards

NFT Trading Cards

Introduction to NFTs

How Unique are NFTs?

What comes to our mind first is how unique it is. Anyone can copy from the real one. But, it will only be imitations and will lack all the characters that make it unique, non-fungible. It can be easily understood by a simple example of the painting of Mona-Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. A large number of copies of the Mona Lisa are available in the market which is almost similar to the original one, but the actual value is only for the real one which is in Paris at the Louvre museum.

Why NFTs are attracting so much attention?


Digital collectibles as Investment and Monetization

Can we buy NFTs with cryptocurrency?

Several marketplaces accept Ethereum. Technically, anyone selling an NFT can ask for whatever currency they wish to.

What are the downsides of NFTs?


Everything comes with both pros and cons. On one hand, NFTs are opening so many career opportunities. People are making millions of dollars via NFTs, and some strange things are being sold at unbelievable prices. For instance, an image of a Llama is currently on sale on OpenSea for about 100,000 Ethereum coins. That is more than 2,100 crores rupees.

On the other hand, NFTs are just like asset bubbles, which can swell quickly to huge proportions and can be burst at any time. When it occurs it may cause a negative impact to some rich suckers and alter the careers of many online artists or NFT minters.

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