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IDO Crypto on Cryptocurrency P2PB2B

IDO Crypto

IDO Crypto

Promoting new cryptocurrencies in the digital finance market requires a wise approach. On the one hand, traders are willing to explore new projects and ready to support them if they get interested in the promoted ideas. On the other hand, the popularity of token sales comes with a downside. Since new cryptocurrencies are offered regularly, your IDO crypto project may go unnoticed and fail to bring expected investments if your marketing campaign turns out to be unsuccessful.

What Determines the Success of an IDO

The success of new cryptocurrency projects largely depends on the launchpad through which you are going to promote them. Namely, the following aspects will affect the promotion:

What Are the Benefits of P2PB2B for Launching New IDO Crypto Projects? 

The P2PB2B launchpad regularly releases new projects and, thus, garners a wealth of experience. This allows it to make each new release smoother, honing all the details and eliminating all the pain points. The whole procedure of token sales is built in such a way as to create the most comfortable conditions for both developers and investors.


When new projects are launched, neither developers nor participants in token sales will need to go through the KYC procedure. And registration on any external platforms, such as exchanges, is not required.

Applying for an IDO 

The application procedure is simplified as much as possible because P2PB2B knows about those platforms where getting approval for a project is so difficult that only a few applicants reach the finish line. Therefore, P2PB2B will not even offer you an application form. You just leave your contact details for the launchpad staff to contact you. After asking a few clarifying questions, they will immediately start working on your project. The entire procedure of preparing your IDO for listing will take only a few days.

Marketing Service

Having started cooperation with P2PB2B, you don’t have to worry about a marketing campaign. The platform’s professional marketers will run a comprehensive promotion for your IDO through multiple channels:

With this approach, there is no chance for your project to go unnoticed. More than 300,000 active users and 2,5 million visitors per month will guarantee the widest possible coverage for your IDO.

P2PB2B is ready to take on all the organizational work to promote your crypto IDO. You can focus on improving your project entirely. Upon receiving financial support from investors during the token sales, you will appreciate the very act of launching. You implement the idea, and P2PB2B gives it the necessary acceleration. The success of your IDO will be unavoidable.

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