How to Prepare a Term Paper?

Coursework is done at universities, regardless of the specialty and profile. Writing term papers is current, in demand and everyone needs to know how to do it correctly.

What is it and what is it for?

A term paper is a theoretical or practical task performed on a discipline in order to assess the level of knowledge.

Writing coursework has the purpose of consolidating the knowledge gained as a result of studying the curriculum on the subject. Thanks to the analysis of the success of the content, it is easier for the teacher to check the level of knowledge received by the student, and the ability to apply in practice.

What are the types of work?

It is worth distinguishing two types of coursework:

  • Theoretical – includes no more than three sections with several subparagraphs in each, where the material is presented in a structured way. To write it, you need to analyze about 20 different sources, to supply the material with a lot of graphic information.
  • Practical – includes three sections, but has a different structure from the theoretical one. The first section provides a general theory, included on the basis of several sources, the second section contains analytical information, the third provides key issues.

Note! Can also be combined, including theoretical and practical parts.

Key information

Assignments may vary, takes into account the specialty, course. It is important to carry out a complete study, sometimes, it is enough to work through the theoretical material. May contain the following:

  • Title page, indicating department, course, supervisor, student.
  • Table of Contents, including appendices.
  • Introduction to the topic, this will help to understand the essence.
  • The main part (theory).
  • The practical part (analytical nature).
  • The conclusion and conclusions.
  • List of references used.
  • Appendices, supplementing the data of the subject considered.

Please note! At the end of the work, prepare a conclusion, which sets out the essence, similar to the introductory part.

Stages of elaboration

Preparatory stage

At the preparatory stage, the student chooses a supervisor. Approach him for further discussion of individual details should be immediately. The study of information, making a plan involves the selection of literature, analysis. The work is a “mini analogue” of the diploma project, only it is less in volume by a factor of three. On the basis of these and write a diploma. Careful study of each of the stages will prepare the ground for writing a diploma project.

Information Gathering

It will be necessary to select individual sources, make a list of used literature. A little help in this teacher, but the student will have to rely on their own choice, searching for sources.

Practical part

To work through this section you may need to stay at the company. It is important to arrange a visit to the company, collect the necessary information material and agree it with the director. These are diagrams, drawings of assemblies and mechanisms, general characteristics, business plans and more.

Writing a conclusion

For competent writing of the conclusion you will need to select important points from the previously provided information. The following is indicated in the conclusion:

  • Description of the purpose.
  • The essence of the main sections is given.
  • Conclusions on each of the given chapters.
  • The relevance of the research.


Now, knowing the main points, you can easily prepare a term project, perform it in accordance with the requirements or turn to the specialists of, who will help with writing essays.


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