How To Plan And Organize An office Or Business Move

Relocating your office or business can be quite stressful and confusing if not planned carefully. The more time you invest in organizing and simplifying the process, the faster your company and staff will be up and running again. Follow the pointers below to ensure an office relocation without a hitch.


One person should be in charge of the move, but this position can quickly become overwhelming, especially if you are relocating a bigger company. Treat the relocation just as you would any other company project. The manager should form a moving committee including the head of each department and delegate responsibilities which should in turn be communicated down the line. Each member of the moving committee should be responsible for the successful relocation of their team or area. Do not forget areas such as lobbies, storage or reception.

Create Lists

Take the time to create a plan and share it with everyone affected by or involved in the move. A timeline or a schedule should be created and revised regularly to make sure everything is on track. This needs to be done well ahead of time, months even, so that nothing is overlooked. Things can quickly escalate in the wrong direction if there is any confusion on the day. Starting early will also guarantee you a better price, better storage solutions with professional services such as movers, painters, carpenters or electricians.

Create a Floor Plan

To start off, take your current floor plan and compare it to the new one. How does it relate in size? Will you have enough space for your current furniture, or will you need to invest in more equipment? Where will employees be seated or departments be located? Are the electrical outlets where you need them to be?

RelocatingClearly label or color code where furniture and equipment should be located in the new office.  Once you have decided on a layout, make copies for everyone including movers and employees. This will help eliminate confusion by making it easier for everyone to find their place and settle in.

Identify The Cost

Keep in mind that your will probably have a budget to stick to during the move. Gather quotes first. This is important when hiring professional movers and deciding on the type of service you want. Is there anything that needs to be thrown away or packed up and stored? If you have a surplus of inventory that cannot fit in the new space or is not used at the moment, you can use self storage units to temporarily store these items. Also, are there any renovations that need to be completed in the new office prior to moving day? If so, this can significantly affect your moving budget and schedule.

Keep Documents Safe

Take care to pack all of the contents of your desks and cabinets into well-organized boxes. It goes without saying that you don’t want anything getting lost. Digital content is just as important as hard copies. Diligently back up all of your company’s files on an external hard drive. Computers can be easily damaged in a move. Lastly, carefully guard all contracts, invoices or bills linked to the relocation itself. Should something go amiss, you will surely be asked to provide proof.

Make It Well-Known

The last thing you want, and the worst thing that can happen is for your business to lose money or clients during this critical period. You need to let everyone you correspond or do business with know where and when you will be moving. Whether you choose to send emails, change of address cards, letters or use the telephone, make sure you are doing this well in advance. Someone will need to manage this task to make sure there is no overlapping or anyone is forgotten. Also, let your future neighborhood know you are coming by putting up signs in advance. You could attract some new clients this way.

Moving offices does not have to be a hassle if you, your employees and movers are all on the same page. The key to a successful move are well planned and communicated instructions. Once everyone knows what their job is, it should be a cinch- no more difficult than any other day in the office.


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