Freedom Debt Relief Reviews And Job Search Credit

Having good credit can benefit you in many areas but one you might not be aware of is when submitting your application to a new job.

We’re going to go through several Freedom Debt Relief reviews and how they can positively impact your job prospects.

Accuracy Of Your Credit Report

As we go through our Freedom Debt Relief reviews, the first item on the list is their tip on credit report accuracy. How does their advice fare here?

Depending on your age, you might not even be aware that you have a credit report. The first step is to pull your credit report and contact each consumer credit reporting agency to request a free credit report. Under federal law, you’re entitled to one each 12 months.

If something is incorrect on your report, file a dispute with the credit card company.

This tip is an excellent place to start. Incorrect information on your credit report can have a negative impact when applying for credit cards, car loans or even a home mortgage.

Create A Plan With The Help Of A Financial Professional

The next of our Freedom Debt Relief reviews has to do with getting help from a professional. A financial professional can help you identify areas in your credit report that need work, put together a sequence of steps and build an overall financial plan.

Without the help of a financial professional, you’re left to create your own plan. Or worse, no plan. Build a solid foundation by working with a financial professional.

Improving Your Credit Score

When sharing what Freedom Debt Relief reviews says about credit as it relates to job searches, we can’t leave out some information about your credit score.

If you are just starting out, getting a credit card and making regular payments could be a great way to build credit. But you’ll want to make sure you can pay off the balance each month.

The FICO Score is commonly used in calculating credit scores. FICO stands for Fair Isaac Corporation and is used by the 3 major credit bureaus, which include Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

According to myFICO, which offers credit monitoring services, FICO Scores are broken down into the following components:

Amounts Owed: 30%

Payment History: 35%

Length of Credit History: 15%

New Credit: 10%

Credit Mix: 10%

As you can see, amounts owed and payment history compose 65% of your credit score.

This means paying on time every time isn’t negotiable. One late payment can negatively impact your credit score.

How To Get A Credit Card When You Don’t Have Any Credit

In this last review of our Freedom Debt Relief reviews, we leave you with some tips on how to get a credit card when you don’t have any credit.

It’s possible to add you as an authorized person on your parent’s credit card. Because their card already has a credit history, it will extend to your credit. Be sure the credit card company will report this information to the bureaus before you get added to the card. There may also be a fee involved.

Additionally, you can get a cash secured debit card. These cards require loading them with cash and being restricted to spending only what is on the card.

If you’ve started accumulating debt and not sure how to get out of it, call Freedom Debt Relief at 800-544-7211 to speak with a credit counselor at no charge to you.


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