Essential Features of greeting card
Essential Features of greeting card

Essential Features of Greeting Card Design Software for a Successful Personalized Greeting Card Business

Greeting Cards are not just products but are emotions. People gift greeting cards professionally and personally to describe what they feel. While the advent of the internet might have given an idea that greeting cards are a thing of past, but if you are dealing in Greeting Cards you might agree that the demand for greeting cards, on the contrary, has grown with time! In the year of 2019, greeting cards worth $7 to $8 billion were sold in the United States of America alone.

There are millions of occasional as well as seasonal greetings cards sold but there is a huge paradigm shift in the industry. While the needs for physical cards are increasing, the industry sees a constant change in the trends as well as customer expectations. But there is one trend that has been transforming the Greeting Cards business for good and is allowing businesses to get optimum return with minimal investments and that is the personalized Greeting Cards business!

As we said earlier that greeting cards are not just gift products but are emotions, because of this reason alone demand for personalized gift cards is increasing with each passing day. And with ideal greeting card maker software integrated with your online platform, you can gain a competitive edge in the market. But how can you determine that the Greeting Cards design tool of your choice has all the necessary features that are essential to delivering a satisfactory customer experience?

To ensure that the software of your choice aligns with your business goals and also with your customer expectations, you must make an informed decision. To help you with that, below is the listof features that you must look for while integrating an online greeting card design tool on your online platform.

6 features of ideal Greeting Cards Design Software:

  1. Optimum customization options:

The more the merrier is what you must go forward with. The more options of customizations you would provide to your customers, the more they would prefer your platform. To keep it simple, your Greeting Card design software must allow customers to design their greeting card from the scratch on a blank template. The tool must provide users not just text and color personalization, but it must also go beyond that with customization options such as clipart, shapes, font as well as image insertion and customization.

  • Product Localization:

Every culture and every occasion has its own value and importance. For instance, if a son is designing a greeting card for his mother or a person is creating a card for their own regional festival, he would want it personalized in all sorts of things. Thus, to ensure that your customers get a delightful experience while using your Greeting Cards design tool, you must ensure that you have some local customizations available. One of the best ways to introduce localization in greeting card design is by introducing festival and occasion specific clipart and image repository. Apart from that, you can also introduce the usage of the local language while the customer opts for text customization.

  • Mobile Responsive software:

85%of Google searches happen on a Smartphone and most of your end-customers would search or surf your platform from a Smartphone. Although, this fact might differ in some geographical areas, but one cannot ignore the traffic they are receiving from Smartphone users and thus, the Greeting Card design tool that you choose must work perfectly from each and every device and screen size. This will ensure that you do not lose your customers to your competitors just because the process of designing a greeting card from a smartphone was tedious and exhausting.

  • Ready-to-print greeting card templates:

The key is to leave no stone unturned. On one end where customers would want an empowering greeting card designer that allows your customers to design a greeting card from the scratch, your software must also serve those who want a quick and easy design solution. Thus, to ensure that your software is user-friendly and all-inclusive, you must also have ready-to-print greeting card templates that customers can select, make necessary edits and place an order in a matter of minutes.

  • Multiple design areas:

This feature is essential for those artistic minds and those social media aficionados who want to create something unique or want to design something that they saw online somewhere while surfing through social media platforms. While multiple customization options will help them get their desired message, multiple design areas will empower them to get their desired Greeting Card design. Thus, along with multiple customization options, your online greeting card design tool must also provide multiple design areas customizations.

  • Easy Social media sharing options:

What good is a design if it is shared with the world? It is now a raging trend around the world where people share everything on their social media platforms. Whether it is a special message for their loved ones or their special moments that they had created while giving your greeting cards or the design itself, people would want to share their work and you must prompt them to do so! Integrate a Greeting Cards design tool that allows customers to share their designs on social media and also prompt them to share the design with a testimonial. This will help you create a positive word o mouth in the market and your brand would become visible to your potential market organically.

Here’s a video of this software that will allow you to design:

One of the best benefits of adopting the personalized greeting card business model is that businesses don’t have to invest heavily in the inventory or on new product development. All you have to do is create some virtual designs and you only have to print it once the order is placed. The business model is a win-win for both the parties and it is thus it will stay for a longer period of time in the greeting cards market.

Abhishek Agarwal, CMO of Design’N’Buy comes with a huge experience in Web to print solutions & IT. With a mission to deliver the best and innovate new ideas in w2p he and his team always deliver challenging and exciting results. Delivering the best and with utmost perfection has always been his life’s motto.


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